K&N Boxes Chemical Resistance

This overview shows the chemical resistance of LEXAN® polycarbonate in KL cases and TERBLEND N® ABS/PA in CL cases. Chemical compatibility depends on contact time, temperature and stress (external stress to which the application is subjected). Chemical exposure may result in discoloration, softening, swelling, cracking, cracking or loss of material properties. The chemicals listed have been evaluated according to a very rigorous testing method. This test incorporates exposure to the chemical under defined conditions, including temperature (20ºC and 80ºC) and stress (0.5% and 1% strain) for a period of seven days.

Key to performance:

(-) Bad not recommended; will result in failure or serious degradation.

(0) Regular, considered marginal; only for short exposures to lower temperatures or when loss of properties is not critical.

(+) Good, not being affected in its performance when exposed to time, temperature and stress according to the test method mentioned above.

KL boxes #

Acid, mineral

Boric acid +
Hydrogen chloride 20% +
Hydrogen chloride 25% –
Hydrogen fluoride 25% +
Nitric acid 70% –
Perchloric acid –
Dry phosphorus peroxide +
Phosphoric acid 1% +
Phosphoric acid 10% –
Phosphorus pentachloride +
Sulfuric acid 50% +
Sulfuric acid 70% –
Sulfurous acid 5% –
Acid, organic

Aceticanhydride –
Formic acid concentrate –
Gallic Acid + Malelc Acid + Mercaptoacetic Acid –
Murstic Acid 20% +
Muristic Acid 25% –
olelc acid + Palmitic acid + Phenol sulfonic acid – Phenoxyacetic acid +
Phthalic anhydride +
Salicylate acid +
Tannic acid +
Tannic acid 20% –
Thiodiacetic acid + Trichloroacetic acid –
0 Sulfaminic acid 5% 0

Allyl alcohol –
Amyl alcohol –
Butoxyethanol –
Chloroethanol 2 –
Decyl alcohol –
Dodecyl alcohol –
Ethanol –
Ethyl glycol 100% –
Ethyl glycol 60% +
Furfuryl alcohol –
Glycerin +
Heptyl alcohol –
0 Isobutanol 0
Nonyl alcohol –
Octyl alcohol +
Oxydiethanol 2.2 +
Phenethyl alcohol –
Polyalkylene glycol –
Polyethylene glycol +
Propylene glycol –
Sorbitol +
Thiodiglycol 5% –
Triethylene glycol +
Tripropylene glycol –

Acetaldehyde –
Butyraldehyde –
Formaldehyde solvent 37% +
Formalin +
Propionaldehyde –

Dimethylformamide –
The mine

Aniline –
Diphenylamine –
Methylaniline N –
Methylenedianiline –
Phenylhydrazine –
Pyridine –
Triethanolamine +
Hydroxylamine +

Aluminum hydroxyne powder +
Ammonia concentrate –
Ammonium hydroxide 0.13% –
Calcium hydroxide –
Potassium hydroxide 10% –
Dry sodium hydroxide +
Sodium hydroxide 10% –
Sodium totalamate +

Benzyl benzoate –
Cellosolve butyl acetate –
Butyl stearate –
Cello acetobutyrate –
Cellulose acetate –
Cellulose proprionate –
Dibutyl phthalate –
Didecyl carbonate –
Disodecyl phthalate –
Dysononyl phthalate +
Dioctyl phthalate –
Dioctyl sebacate –
Ditridecyl carbonate –
Ditridecyl phthalate –
Ethyl bromoacetate +
Ethyl butyrate –
Ethyl cellusolve 5% –
Ethyl chloracetate –
Ethyl cyanoacetate –
Ethyl lactate –
Ethyl salicylate –
Isopropyl myristrate –
Methyl acetate +
Methyl calicylate –
Methylbenzoate –
Triacetin –
Tributoxetil phosphate –
Tributyl cello phosphate –
2 dodecyl phenyl carbonate +

Ether –
Ethyl cellosolve 5% –
Methyl cellosolve –
Polyalkylene glycol –
Polyethylene glycol +
Polyethylene sulfide –
Propylene oxide –

Ammonia concentrate –
Bromine –
Chloracetophenone –
Chlorine –
Iodine –
Isobutane –
Methane –
Oxygen +
Ozone 2% –
Propylene +
Sulfur dioxide –
Sulfur hexafluoride –
HC halogenado

Acetylene dibromo –
Acetylene tetrabromide – Bromochloromethane –
Carbon tetrachloride –Chloroethanol 2 –Chlorobenzene –
Chlorobutane –
Chloroform –
Dibromomethane – Dichloroethane – Dichlorohydroxybenzene + Dichloromethane – Ethyl bromoacetate +

Methyl ethyl ketone –
Metal and metal oxide

Aluminum oxide +
Arsenic trioxide –
Calcium oxide paste –
Cuprous oxide +
Metallic mercury –

Allyl 4 methoxyphenol –
Cresol –
P-Phenylphenol – Pentachlorophenol –
Phenol sulfonic acid –
Phenol 5% –
Phenoxyacetic +
Salt, organic

Aluminum acetate +
Ammonium acetate – Ammonium oxalate +
Aniline sulfate +
Potassium acetate 30% – Qulnine Sulfate –
Sodium acetate 30% –
Valine bromide dl+
Salt, inorganic

Aluminum ammonium sulfate – Aluminum chloride –
aluminum floride +
Aluminum and potassium sulfate –
Sodium aluminum sulfate + Ammonium bicarbonate + Ammonium bromide + Ammonium carbonate – Ammonium dichromate + ammonium persulfate +
Arsenic trioxide –
Barium carbonate +
Barium chloride +
Barium sulfate +
Calcium carbonate paste – Calcium chloride +
Calcium sulfate +
Cesium bromide +
Copper (II) chloride 5% +
Iron (II) chloride –
Iron (III) ammonium +
sulfate Saturated iron (III) chloride +
Iron (III) nitrate –
Iron (III) sulfate +
Lithium bromide +
Lithium hydroxide powder + Magnesium bromide +

Magnesium chloride + Magnesium nitrate + Magnesium sulfate +
Mercury (I) nitrate +
Mercury (II) chloride –
Mono ammonium phosphate + Nickel nitrate +
Dry potassium bicarbonate +
Potassium bisulfate +
Potassium bromate +
Potassium bromide +
Potassium carbonate + Potassium chlorate +
Saturated potassium chloride – Potassium chloride 15% + Potassium and chromium sulfate–
Potassium cyanide powder +
Potassium dichromate + Potassium iodide +
Potassium nitrate +
Potassium permaganate – Potassium persulfate +
otassium sulfate +
Saturated silver chloride –
Silver nitrate +
0 Saturated sodium bicarbonate 0
Sodium bicarbonate 13% –

Bissulfato de sódio +
Bromato de sódio +
Brometo de sódio +
Carbonato de sódio +
Solvente de carbonato de sódio –
Clorato de sódio +
0 Éterlaurisulfato de sódio 0
Fercianeto de sódio +
Fluoreto de sódio +
Hipoclorito de sódio 6% +
Hipoclorito de sódio 15% –
Nitrato de sódio 10% –
Perborato de sódio +
Fosfato de sódio +
Silicato de sódio +
Sulfeto de sódio –
Sulfito de sódio +
Brometo de estrôncio +
Cloreto de estanho (II) +
Cloreto de estanho (IV) +
Tetracloreto de titânio +
Fosfato trissódico 5% –
Brometo de zinco +
Carbonato de zinco +
Cloreto de zinco –
Óxido de zinco –
Sulfato de zinco +

CL boxes #

Acetic Acid (5% by mass) (23°C) +
Citric Acid Solution (10% by mass) (23°C) +
Lactic Acid (10% by mass) (23°C) +
Hydrochloric Acid (36% by mass) (23°C) +
Nitric Acid (40% by mass) (23°C) –
Sulfuric Acid (38% by mass) (23°C) –
Sulfuric Acid (5% by mass) (23°C) +
Chromic Acid Solution (40% by mass) (23°C) –
Sodium Hydroxide Solution (35% by mass) (23°C) +
Sodium Hydroxide Solution (1% by mass) (23°C) +
Methanol (23°C) +
Ethanol (23°C) +
Iso-octane (23°C) +
Acetone (23°C) –
Diethyl ether (23°C) –
Standard Fuels
Diesel fuel (pref. ISO 1817 Liquid F) (23°C) +
Saline solutions
Sodium Chloride Solution (10% by mass) (23°C) +
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (10% by mass) (23°C) +
+-Sodium Carbonate Solution (20% by mass) (23°C) +
Sodium Carbonate Solution (2% by mass) (23°C) +
Zinc Chloride Solution (50% by mass) (23°C) +
Ethyl Acetate (23°C) –
Hydrogen peroxide (23°C) –
1% nonylphenoxy-polyethyleneoxy ethanol in water (23°C) +
Water (23°C) +

This information should be used as an indication only. True chemical compatibility can only be determined under conditions such as final application.

Please contact our local representative or dealer if additional information is required.

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